WSP is committed to engaging with and informing Cass County residents about the proven, safe and environmentally friendly Waelz kiln process and how our state-of-the-art zinc recycling facility will benefit the local area and act as a model of sustainable development. For this reason, we have held three public meetings to present to the local community and answer questions from residents.

Virtual Town Halls

On Thursday, May 28, 2020 and Friday, May 29, 2020 WSP hosted two virtual town halls, where citizens had the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of company representatives. Our presentation focused on who we are, what we do and how we do it, as well as the economic benefits and environmental aspects of the project. Following the presentation, we opened up the session for participants to ask questions.

We welcome the chance for further discussion and look forward to continuing to personally engage with you in an informed dialogue about the proposed project and how WSP plans to invest in and improve the quality of life in Cass County.

Click here for unanswered questions from the virtual town halls and click here for the slides.

Public Forum

On Wednesday, June 24, 2020, WSP hosted a live public forum at the Cass County 4-H Community Center, where citizens had the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of company representatives and outside experts. The presentation focused the economic benefits of the project, as well as included new information on the environmental aspects of the project. Following the presentation, we opened up the session for participants to ask questions.

Click here for a recording of the forum and click here for the slides.